Brand Guidelines



  • The logo is the cornerstone of your visual identity.
  • The Main Logo should be used whenever possible.
  • The other secondary options should be used in specific situations and always on a branded colour.

Colour Palette

For print use the four-colour process (CMYK) using the formulas and for electronic applications of the logo, please use the RGB (screen) and Web Safe (#) colours.


CMYK: 16, 100, 86, 6
RGB: 179, 50, 56


CMYK: 83, 27, 53, 6
RGB: 65, 135, 128


CMYK: 1, 35, 85, 0
RGB: 239, 179, 86


CMYK: 62, 53, 51, 23
RGB: 96, 97, 98,