A listing on the CAPRA website is available to consulting companies whose primary focus is Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research, Quality Control or Compliance (GCP, GLP, GMP) for pharmaceuticals, biologics, veterinary drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, over-the-counter products, or natural health products. Companies are listed alphabetically by company name.
A listing fee of $95 (plus HST = $107.35) is payable annually to cover the cost of maintaining and posting this list on the CAPRA website.
Only one listing per company is permitted.
CAPRA membership is not required.
Disclaimer: CAPRA/ACPR maintains this List of Consultants as a service to the industry and to the regulatory authorities. The individual companies have provided the information on the list for presentation in a standard format. CAPRA/ACPR does not endorse any of the consultants on the list.