CAPRA 2025 Biologics and Biosimilar Symposium

Friday, March 28, 2025  | TORONTO

Join CAPRA's Biologics & Biosimilar event with Health Canada and Industry Leaders.

This collaborative event represents a valuable opportunity to acquire insights and regulatory knowledge that will assist our regulatory professionals in navigating the complexities of scientific developments and advancements.

By attending, you will gain practical regulatory insights through in-person Q&A and panel discussions with all speakers by attending.

2025 Biologics and Biosimilar Symposium

Registration is now open - Don't miss the chance to enhancing your professional knowledge and skills!

Join CAPRA's Biologics and Biosimilar event with Health Canada and Industry leaders. This collaborative event represents a valuable opportunity to acquire insights and regulatory knowledge that will assist our regulatory professionals to navigate the complexities of scientific developments and advancements.
By attending, you will gain practical regulatory insights through in-person Q&A and panel discussions with all speakers. 

  • Opening remarks from BRDD Director General
  • Preparation of the Quality Information for Drug Submissions in the CTD Format: Biotherapeutic and Blood Products
  • Update on ICH M4Q (R2) CTD guidance
  • Biosimilar Guidance Update
  • Discussing the 15-day Clarifax timelines for submitting samples with HC
  • Agile Licensing of Drugs and Medical Devices regulations
  • BIOTECanada Overview
  • Update on ATP
  • From Foundations to Frontiers: The Evolving Landscape of Biologics Regulations
  • Strategies to Overcome Development and Regulatory Challenges for Small and Medium Companies
Sophie Sommerer

Sophie Sommerer

Health Canada

Director General, BRDD

Hugo Hamel

Hugo Hamel

Health Canada

Associate Director, CBBB, BRDD

Denis Arsenault

Denis Arsenault

Health Canada

Manager, Centre for Policy, Pediatrics and International Collaboration

Dr. Chris Ablenas

Dr. Chris Ablenas

Health Canada

Senior Evaluator, CBBB, BRDD

Amy Tsung

Sanofi Canada

Head, Regulatory Affairs, CMC

Fiona Frappier

Fiona Frappier

Health Canada

Manager, Centre for Policy, Pediatrics and International Collaboration

Ron Boch


Vice President, Biotechnology and Industry Affairs

Johanne Veenstra

Health Canada

Senior Regulatory Policy and Risk Management Advisor, Office of Advanced Therapeutic Products,

Jennifer Wilhelm

Merck Canada

Director, Regulatory Affair 

Fiona Frappier

Yatika Kohli

NoNo Inc.

Chief Regulatory
and Strategy Officer

Ryan van Bendegem 

AstraZeneca Canada

Senior Manager for CMC,
Regulatory Affairs

Jody Cox

Jody Cox

Canadian Generic  Pharmaceutical Association (CGPA)

Vice President, Federal and International Affairs


TimeDescriptionPresentation OverviewGuest SpeakerDuration
7:15 - 8:25 amRegistration and Breakfast  70 mins
8:25 - 8:30 amWelcoming Remarks  5 mins
8:30 - 8:45 amOpening Remarks Sophie Sommerer, Director General, BRDD, Health Canada15 mins
8:45 - 9:30 amPreparation of the Quality Information for Drug Submissions in the CTD Format: Biotherapeutic and Blood Products, followed by Q&AThe three CTD Guidance documents applicable to Conventional biotherapeutic products, Biotechnological/biological (Biotech) products, and Blood products have been merged into one document as they shared more than 95% of the content. The revised guidance document was posted in April 2024. An overview of the major changes will be provided during this session.Hugo Hamel, Associate Director, CBBB, BRDD, Health Canada45 mins
9:30 - 10:15 amUpdate on ICH M4Q (R2), followed by Q&AThe CTD guidance document M4Q(R1) has been revised for the first time since 2001. It provides a harmonized structure and format for presenting CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls) information in a registration dossier. This session will present an overview of the revised guidance document.Hugo Hamel, Associate Director, CBBB, BRDD, Health Canada45 mins
10:15 - 10:25 amQuestion and Answer Period  10 mins
10:25 - 10:45 amCoffee Break  20 mins
10:45 - 11:20 amCanadian Biosimilars Landscape  Update, followed by Q&AThe biosimilars market has been evolving rapidly in Canada in recent years. This presentation will review the current biosimilars landscape and highlight regulatory priorities that will help support a robust future pipeline of biosimilar medicines for Canadian patients.




Jody Cox, Vice President, Biosimilars Canada35 mins
11:20 - 12:15 pmDiscussing the 15-day Clarifax timelines for submitting samples with Health Canada, followed by Q&AFrom an industry perspective, consistency sample requests for biologics based on Health Canada’s 15 calendar-day Clarifax timelines can be challenging to manage without advanced notice of the timing or samples required. This has resulted in review clock stops until all samples can be delivered to Health Canada.Dr. Chris Ablenas, Senior Evaluator, CBBB, BRDD, Health Canada; Amy Tsung, Head, Regulatory Affairs, CMC, Sanofi Canada; Ryan van Bendegem, Senior Manager for CMC, Regulatory Affairs at AstraZeneca Canada55 mins
12:15 - 12:30 pmQuestion and Answer Period  15 mins
12:30 - 1:30 pmLunch Break  60 mins
1:30 - 2:00 pmAgile Licensing of Drugs and Medical Devices Regulations, followed by Q&AIn December 2022, Health Canada published a regulatory outlining new targeted provisions and regulatory amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) and Medical Devices Regulations (MDR) for stakeholder consultation. Building upon regulatory agilities piloted during the pandemic, the proposed regulatory amendments would enable terms and conditions for higher-risk drugs.Fiona Frappier, Manager, Centre for Policy, Pediatrics and International Collaboration, Health Canada30 mins
2:00 - 2:20 pmStrengthening Canada’s biomanufacturing capacity and life sciences sector through regulatory modernization, followed by Q&ACanada’s ambition in the Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy of a modern and agile regulatory system is increasingly important for global and Canadian biotechnology companies. The presentation will highlight how this regulatory reform will position Canada as a global leader in biotechnology, fostering innovation and improving healthcare outcomes.Ron Boch, Vice President, Biotechnology and Industry Affairs20 mins
2:20 - 2:50 pmUpdate on ATP, followed by Q&ASome therapeutic products are so unique or complex that they need a different regulatory approach. The ATP framework provides the ability to authorize ATPs in a flexible and risk-based manner. Health Canada will provide an update regarding the implementation of the framework and current ATP candidates, report on public consultation, and lessons learned.Johanne Veenstra, Senior Regulatory Policy and Risk Management Advisor, Health Canada30 mins
2:50 - 3:10 pmFrom Foundations to Frontiers: The Evolving Landscape of Biologics Regulation, followed by Q&ABiologics continue gaining prominence as vital components of modern medicine, encompassing established therapies and cutting-edge innovations. This presentation will explore the evolving regulatory environment surrounding biologics, offering insights from an industry perspective.Jennifer Wilhelm, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Merck Canada20 mins
3:10 - 3:20 pmQuestion and Answer Period  10 mins
3:20 - 3:50 pmStrategies to Overcome Development and Regulatory Challenges for Small and Medium Companies, followed by Q&ASmall- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often struggle to define “suitable” development paths and regulatory strategies for their products. This session will discuss approaches for development and regulatory strategies that make sense for SMEs.Yatika Kohli, Chief Regulatory and Strategy Officer, NoNo Inc.30 mins
3:50 - 4:00 pmPM Break  10 mins
4:00 - 4:25 pmPanel Discussion and Q&A for All TopicsAll TopicsAll Speakers25 mins
4:25 - 4:30 pmClosing Remarks  5 mins
7:15 - 8:25 amRegistration and Breakfast
8:25 - 8:30 amWelcoming Remarks
8:30 - 8:45 am

Opening Remarks

Sophie Sommerer, Director General, BRDD, Health Canada

8:45 - 9:30 am

Preparation of the Quality Information for Drug Submissions in the CTD Format: Biotherapeutic and Blood Products, followed by Q&A

Hugo Hamel, Associate Director, CBBB, BRDD, Health Canada

9:30 - 10:15 am

Update on ICH M4Q (R2), followed by Q&A

Hugo Hamel, Associate Director, CBBB, BRDD, Health Canada

10:15 - 10:25 amQuestion and Answer Period
10:25 - 10:45 amCoffee Break
10:45 - 11:20 am

Canadian Biosimilars Landscape  Update , followed by Q&A

Jody Cox, Vice President, Biosimilars Canada

11:20 - 12:15 pm

Discussing the 15-day Clarifax timelines for submitting samples with Health Canada, followed by Q&A

Dr. Chris Ablenas, Senior Evaluator, CBBB, BRDD, Health Canada; Amy Tsung, Head, Regulatory Affairs, CMC, Sanofi Canada

12:15 - 12:30 pmQuestion and Answer Period
12:30 - 1:30 pmLunch Break
1:30 - 2:00 pm

Agile Licensing of Drugs and Medical Devices Regulations, followed by Q&A

Fiona Frappier, Manager, Centre for Policy, Pediatrics and International Collaboration, Health Canada

2:00 - 2:20 pm

Strengthening Canada’s biomanufacturing capacity and life sciences sector through regulatory modernization, followed by Q&A

Ron Boch, Vice President, Biotechnology and Industry Affairs

2:20 - 2:50 pm

Update on ATP, followed by Q&A

Johanne Veenstra, Senior Regulatory Policy and Risk Management Advisor, Health Canada

2:50 - 3:10 pm

From Foundations to Frontiers: The Evolving Landscape of Biologics Regulation, followed by Q&A

Jennifer Wilhelm, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Merck Canada

3:10 - 3:20 pmQuestion and Answer Period
3:20 - 3:50 pm

Strategies to Overcome Development and Regulatory Challenges for Small and Medium Companies, followed by Q&A

Yatika Kohli, Chief Regulatory and Strategy Officer, NoNo Inc.

3:50 - 4:00 pmPM Break
4:00 - 4:25 pm

Panel Discussion and Q&A for All Topics

All Speakers

4:25 - 4:30 pmClosing Remarks

Registration & Tickets
(HST will be added at time of checkout)

CategoryIn-Person AttendanceOnline Access
CAPRA Members$580$510
CAPRA Student Members$350$350


Registration DeadlineMarch 19, 2025
Hotel Reservation DeadlineMarch 06, 2025

Hotel accommodations are booked separately by following instructions below. Our sponsorship and vendor packages include registration tickets.

For further assistance, please contact CAPRA at

Thank You to Our Sponsors

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the sponsors of the 2025 Biologics and Biosimilar Symposium. Your commitment not only helps us bring together the brightest minds in the pharmaceutical and regulatory fields but also ensures the continued success of these knowledge-sharing platforms. Together, we are driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and shaping the future of the industry.

Click on our sponsors' logos to view more resources.

Sponsorship & Vendor Booth Opportunities

Please email the   for sponsorship registration with the package that provides the best value.

HST will be added at the time of checkout.

Platinum Sponsorship


  • Two (2) attendee tickets
  • Company logo and hyperlink on all event media broadcasts and the CAPRA event webpage
  • Promotion of the company logo before and during the event
  • One page of digital collateral material sent to all attendees by the event host
  • excludes HST

Gold Sponsorship


  • Two (2) attendee tickets
  • Company logo and hyperlink on all event media broadcasts and the CAPRA event webpage
  • excludes HST

Vendor Booth Options
$1,705 | $1,105


  • Two (2) attendee passes: $1,705 + HST
  • One (1) attendee passes: $1,105 + HST
Westin Hotel & Resorts Hotel Logo

Special Room Rates
& Hotel Reservation Information

CAPRA 2025 Biologics and Biosimilar Symposium
Friday, March 28, 2025

Westin Toronto Airport Hotel
950 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario

(plus applicable tax and fees)
for the CAPRA Symposium are subject to availability.

  • Guests making such reservations must identify as members of the CAPRA group
    Includes complimentary wireless high-speed internet.
  • Make your reservation before March 6, 2025,  or Call 1-866-837-5184 for individual Reservations.