Confidential Business Information Disclosure Update

Confidential Business Information Disclosure Update

Published on April 17, 2017

The Health Minister can disclose confidential business information (CBI) to protect or promote health or safety. A draft guidance document on the disclosure of CBI was published on Mar 10, 2016 and Health Canada underwent a consultation period. Comments received by May 24, 2016 have been incorporated into the revised guidance. A summary of comments received is available on request by email to This document is intended for health researchers and professionals, patient groups, and pharma and medical device industries. The document includes information on the following.

  • paragraph 21.1(3)(c) of the Food and Drugs Act
  • principals and considerations for Health Canada's exercise of the authority under paragraph 21.1(3)(c) of the Food and Drugs Act
  • protection of personal information and respecting participant's informed consent
  • protection against commercial use
  • maintaining confidentiality of disclosed information
  • process to review requests for disclosure
  • requirements for persons requesting disclosure of confidential business information under paragraph 21.1(3)(c)
  • findings generated from disclosed information
  • forms and additional information:
    • review process flow chart
    • tools for finding regulatory information

Completed CBI disclosure requests under s21.1(3)(c) of the Food and Drugs Act can be found here.

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